Ideal New Construction Project BlogThe complexity of a construction project starts with planning, design, and financing and continues until the project is built and occupied. Whether the project involves historic restoration, detailed laboratories, acoustically-sensitive post-production facilities, or a corporate headquarters, for over fourteen years Structural Focus has partnered with architects and contractors to achieve the optimum facility.

Structural Focus Principal, Wayne Chang, SE, is currently the Project Manager collaborating with Gensler and C.W. Driver in the construction of the new 260,000 square foot eight-story office buildingĀ at Sony Pictures Studios. Structural Focus has created and implemented the following four steps to achieve the ideal new construction project.

Step 1. Identify clear project objectives and goals. All stakeholders should meet to describe the desired project. Some considerations might include program, budget, site restrictions, functionality, aesthetics, seismic performance, project objectives and more.

Step 2. Commit to the same goal. A great project team: owner, architect, contractor and engineers should all share the same common goal.

Step 3. Communicate. Listen and address all concerns from each member of the team.

Ideal New Construction Project BlogStep 4. Monitor. As a project progresses many elements can change. The team needs to be disciplined and pay attention to changes in order to adapt and successfully move the project forward. To stay consistent, the team should continually reference steps 1 and 2.

Good teammates, like Gensler and C.W. Driver, have helped make these steps a success. The new Art Deco-style eight-story commercial office building is part of an extensive site improvement; the project scope includes two new office buildings and two parking structures. The project is scheduled to be completed by late Summer 2016.