What does Structural Design mean to you?

Structural Design is the foundation for creativity but also the forefront of building safety. Engineers make the architect’s abstract vision a reality by designing the skeletons of new buildings and providing solutions for the safe use of existing buildings. Structural Engineers ensure the public’s safety and they help mitigate loss and business interruption in the event of an earthquake.

When did you join Structural Focus and what is your role?

We both joined Structural Focus as full-time Structural Designers this year after a great internship experience last summer. Working at Structural Focus was exciting because even on our first days as interns we were treated as staff engineers and immediately began to design structural systems. Now as Structural Designers we get the opportunity to perform the analysis and produce the drawings for new and existing buildings.

What are some highlights to date?

Lots of highlights, but the proudest moments have been when we get to see our designs used in structural plans and are ultimately built.

Alex: During my internship, I worked on the Redwood and Glencoe Campus and it’s awesome to see it under construction now. It is very rewarding to see my work materialize, it makes me proud to be a structural engineer and to be part of the Structural Focus team.

Kevin: As an intern, I poured my heart into a steel truss system. I did a lot of the design and detailing, seeing my calculations and details come together in our structural plans was fantastic. More recently I finished the central model for the Culver Studios Expansion project. After a lot of research, problem-solving and team consulting, it was incredibly satisfying to complete the model.

What is your dream project?

The dream for any structural engineer is to be able to see his/her designs built. It’s great to be able to see the structural components within buildings and being able to see our own designs would be amazing.

Alex: My dream project is to one day design the building I live or work in.

Kevin: My dream project is to design, renovate or retrofit a place I visit frequently.

What advice would you give structural engineering students?

Study hard, that is the hardest part of becoming an engineer. Be involved with diverse groups engineering and non-engineering, and most importantly, have fun. Take some time to travel because when you start work you’ll be thankful that you took advantage of that opportunity.

What’s your favorite part about working at Structural Focus?

The people and culture are unmatched from any other place we have worked. Not only is everyone friendly, Structural Focus is comprised of extremely knowledgeable engineers who always take the time to teach and encourage growth in young engineers.

What would we be surprised to learn about you?

Alex: I love running long distances. Running is the time of the day when I get to relax and think about the day to come.

Kevin: In my spare time, I play for a Quidditch team based in Long Beach. I have yet to participate in a tournament, however, I have been practicing and hope to become a formidable keeper.